Feng Shui Consultations

Consultation Information

Whether you want to achieve balance and bring positive changes to your home or business environments, each Feng Shui consultation is specifically designed for the individual client.

Home Consultation

Home, townhouse, apartment or condo, you want to ensure that the space where you live is arranged to bring balance and positive change into your life.

Clients are asked to complete a pre-consultation information form. This will allow me to get a better understanding of the changes clients are looking to bring into their lives. I then schedule a pre-consultation phone call to discuss the information. The next step is the on-site consultation at which time I visit the client’s residence to review the environment and provide recommendations. The week after the on-site consultation is a time for follow-up questions. I welcome all questions and may have additional questions and recommendations for the client as well. I also offer a three-month review with clients to evaluate their progress, discuss changes they have experienced, and answer any additional questions they may have.

Contact me for more details


Business Consultation

Feng Shui can also be applied to business environments. 

Clients are asked to complete a pre-consultation information form. This will allow me to get a better understanding of the changes clients are looking to bring into their business environments. Following the pre-consultation phone call, the next step is the on-site consultation. At that time, I will visit the client’s business to review the environment and provide recommendations. The week after the on-site consultation is a time for follow-up questions and possible additional recommendations. A three-month review with clients is offered to evaluate their progress, discuss changes they have experienced, and answer any additional questions they have. Please note, the on-site consultation time is dependent on the size of the building.

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Distance / Virtual Consultation

Distance / Virtual Feng Shui consultations are designed for clients who may not live in my immediate area (Northern Virginia), but would like to bring balance and positive change into their home or business environment. Photos of the exterior and interior of the client’s home or business, a copy of the floor plan, and a completed pre-consultation information form are required in order to provide me with the information I need to assess the space. Clients who choose the distance consultation will receive the same scope of service for their consultation as the home or business consultations outlined above.

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Thank you for your interest in a Feng Shui consultation for your home or business!
