Do I Have to Declutter?
The short answer is yes. Declutter.
Now, you might be thinking, “My home (apartment, condo, closet, drawer, cabinet, car, office, etc.) isn’t cluttered! What is she talking about?”
Let’s think about clutter for just a moment. We can find the technical definition in a dictionary, but clutter can also mean different things to different people. For some, clutter might be a stack of folders or notebooks on the corner of their desk that they have not yet filed. For others, it might be a garage stacked with boxes (and your car is parked outside).
I am not a professional organizer, nor do I play one on TV (yep, I might be showing my age with that line), but here’s one thing I can tell you without a doubt…before you start making Feng Shui enhancements to your home, you must first declutter.