Do I Have to Declutter?

The short answer is yes. Declutter.

Now, you might be thinking, “My home (apartment, condo, closet, drawer, cabinet, car, office, etc.) isn’t cluttered! What is she talking about?”

Let’s think about clutter for just a moment. We can find the technical definition in a dictionary, but clutter can also mean different things to different people. For some, clutter might be a stack of folders or notebooks on the corner of their desk that they have not yet filed. For others, it might be a garage stacked with boxes (and your car is parked outside).

I am not a professional organizer, nor do I play one on TV (yep, I might be showing my age with that line), but here’s one thing I can tell you without a doubt…before you start making Feng Shui enhancements to your home, you must first declutter.

Stack of paper

Much like trying to make Feng Shui enhancements to your space without repairing (or replacing) broken items, decluttering before you start making enhancements is also an important part of the process.  

Space equals opportunity. If you don’t have space (or make space) for something, how can you expect anything new to enter your life?

Sometimes things are easier said than done. Clutter can make your feel overwhelmed. Heck, even thinking about clutter and the task of decluttering might make you feel overwhelmed. And why is that? What is it that is holding you back or making you feel stuck? Is it the “clutter”? Is it the sentimental value you are holding onto? Is it the decision making (What do I do with this? Where should it go?)?

When decluttering in order to start your Feng Shui journey, start small. Set your pace. For some, taking several hours or a day to work on one room is what works best for them. For others, it might be better to take 15 minutes to work on one drawer, or 30 minutes to clean out your car. Do what works best for you.

And remember, while you are decluttering, think about how you are making space for all the new opportunities and positive changes to enter your life.

Thank you for reading!


Thank you for reading! If you would like more information about a Feng Shui consultation, please feel free to contact me. I offer free 30-minute Discovery Chats to answer questions about a Feng Shui consultation and how the process works.

Continue Reading Do I Have to Declutter?

Fix Your Bucket

In Feng Shui, there are enhancements or “remedies” you can make to your living space to enhance the area to achieve the positive changes you are seeking to invite into your life.

If something in your home needs to be repaired, though, it needs to be fixed (or replaced) first because enhancements can only do so much if something is broken.

Think of it this way: let’s say you planted a garden, and you need one bucket of water for it every day (it’s a small garden). However, the only water source for your garden is a creek which is down a hill.

Broken bucket and new bucket

If your bucket is in perfect working order, you only need to make one trip down the hill to fill it to get the water you need for your garden. If your bucket has a crack in it, you may need to make twice as many trips to get a sufficient supply because you are losing or leaking water on your way back.

Over time, if you do not repair or replace your bucket, the crack becomes a hole. Then you may need to make even MORE trips to the creek.

Your environment is a reflection of what is going on in your life. If your environment (bucket) does not support you (leaking water), YOU are making up for it with your energy (having to make more trips to the creek).

Making an “enhancement” would be like placing a piece of tape over the crack in the bucket. Sure, it may slow down the leak and slightly improve the issue, but you still have a bucket that is leaking. Enhancements can only do so much if something is broken or not working properly. Make any necessary repairs (or replacements) before making your enhancements.

I hope you find this information useful. Thank you for reading!


Thank you for reading! If you would like more information about a Feng Shui consultation, please feel free to contact me. I offer free 30-minute Discovery Chats to answer questions about a Feng Shui consultation and how the process works.

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The Small Stuff Can Add Up

Ahh, the small stuff. A lightbulb that is burned out here, a squeaky door hinge there, a small stack of papers on your desk or countertop.

Small stuff can add up. These little things can cause frustration or annoyance or build up over time. You can only put little annoyances off for so long before you are whipped up into a state in which you HAVE to take care of it. But why not take care of things at the first sign of an issue?

Burned out bulb

What are some little things that you need to take care of around your home or business? Leaking pipe? A door or drawer that sticks (or won’t stay shut)? Stacks of paperwork?

Take a look around your home or office to see if you may have some “little things” that need fixed. Have a notebook and pen in hand and start a walkthrough of your space from the front door. Make note of anything you might see that needs to be addressed. Burned out lightbulb? Replace it. Squeaky hinge on door? Oil it. Paperwork piling up on desk? Sort, file, or shred as needed.

Take care of these small things as they can add up. Nurture, care, and respect your home and it will take care of you in return.

I hope you find the above information useful! Remember to write down the repairs and other changes that you make to your space to track and see what new opportunities enter your life.


Thank you for reading! If you would like more information about a Feng Shui consultation, please feel free to contact me. I offer free 30-minute Discovery Chats to answer questions about a Feng Shui consultation and how the process works.

Continue Reading The Small Stuff Can Add Up

Write It Down

Meditation journals, gratitude journals, daily journals, diaries, exercise tracking, and water consumption tracking. What do all of these items have in common? They are logs or records to track your thoughts or progress.

I have mentioned in past blog posts that any time you make a Feng Shui enhancement to your environment to write it down. When keeping track of the enhancements you make, also be sure to write down what you see happening in your life.

Notebook with pen

We can forget what we do if we don’t write it down to chart our progress. Think about it this way: who among us hasn’t had difficulty remembering what they had for breakfast at some point in time? (Did I have scrambled eggs today, or was that yesterday?) 

Keeping track of the enhancements or changes you make to your physical space helps you remember the enhancement that you made and when you made it. It also helps you see what changes and new opportunities have entered your life since making those adjustments.

Here is an idea of what to include when tracking your enhancements/adjustments:

  • The date you make the enhancement.
  • The enhancement or task completed.
  • The change you see happen.
  • The date(s) you see change(s) happen.

Choose a tracking method that works for you, too. Is it a journal, an app, a document on your computer? Make certain it is something that you will use, is convenient for you, and that you will use consistently.

Also, when making these changes to your physical space (and writing down the enhancements you make), be certain to be mindful of why you are making these changes and set your intention.

Thank you for reading!


Do you have a question about Feng Shui for Amy? Feel free to use the Contact Form to get in touch!

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Dedicate Some Space

Feng Shui is about arranging your home or physical space to bring positive change into your life. An important part of when you are making these enhancements and arranging your environment is that you are doing so with purposeful intention.

I mentioned in a previous blog post about creating space for opportunity to enter your life. When you seek to invite something new into your life, you need to have space for it.


Sewing kit, portfolio and journal
A Space for Everything

I’ll touch on making space by clearing some space for just a moment. By this I mean de-cluttering and organizing.

When you have clear space in your home (or apartment or business), there is space to freely move about or move things about. When there is room to move, things flow smoothly. Make some room and get opportunity flowing.

Dedicate and Separate

Times are changing and continue to change. With that, spaces and rooms in your home may change or need to change, too.

By dedicating and separating space, you are designating certain areas in your home for certain tasks or activities. And you don’t have to have a ton of room to dedicate space. Take some time to think about how you can utilize areas in your home so that they are functional for your needs.

If you are working from home, do you have a designated work area where you can keep your computer or project files? If you have young children, do they have a spot to play or place where they keep their toys?

Also take note of how things feel or affect you. Are you frustrated that you are constantly having to move items in order to complete a task or activity? Do you enjoy the fact that you get a lot accomplished working in a certain space?

A Space for Yourself

Another aspect of your environment that shouldn’t be overlooked is having space for yourself.

What I’m meaning by space for yourself is to have that space — that area — somewhere, anywhere, in your home where you can have time for yourself. Time to think, reflect, recharge, and rejuvenate.

A space for yourself can be however you would like to define it. For some, it may be a favorite chair where they can read or have a cup of tea. It may even be a bench in your yard or garden where you can sit and enjoy a few minutes of the day.

Take a moment to assess your physical space and environment. Is it functioning in the ways and serving the purposes that you need? Bring balance and flow into your environment by making space and dedicating space.

I hope you find the above information useful! Remember to write down the changes that you make to your space to track and see what new opportunities enter your life.


Thank you for reading! If you would like more information about a Feng Shui consultation, please feel free to contact me. I offer free 30-minute Discovery Chats to answer questions about a Feng Shui consultation and how the process works.

Continue Reading Dedicate Some Space
Sometimes Feng Shui is quite literal. If something in your home is broken, it can be having an effect on you.

What is going on in your environment is a reflection of what can be happening in your life. Is everything in your home or business in good working order and functioning properly? (Notice how I phrased that?)

Check Your Surroundings
Take a look at your surroundings. Does anything need to be repaired? While you may have some items that immediately come to mind, sometimes things that need to be repaired can slip past us.

Hammer, pliers, screwdriver, thread. Tools to make repairs

Take Inventory
We may not always see things because we are used to our environments. For example, you may have a blanket on your couch that you use every evening. It’s a comfortable blanket to you. However, one corner may have started unraveling or it has a hole in it.

Because you use that blanket every evening, it has become part of your routine and environment. You may not even realize the blanket has a hole in it!

Here is a quick list of other items in your home to check and maintain/repair or replace if needed:

  • Lightbulbs: Are any burned out or broken?
  • Doorbell: Does it chime when you press the button?
  • Drawer handles: Are any loose and need to be tightened?
  • Furniture: Does any wobble/have uneven legs?
  • Hinges: Any doors or cabinets that squeak or stick?
  • Drains: Are any drains in your home clogged or drain slowly?
  • Personal items: Any items such as a watch or necklace that needs a new clasp, etc.? Do you have a shoe with a broken heel?

Making the Connection
The bagua is used in forms of Feng Shui practice. This bagua “map” shows how a home is divided into certain areas and how these areas are connected with aspects in one’s life (Prosperity, Relationships, Career, and so on).

I know I am asking a lot of questions, but here are a few more to help you start thinking about the connection between your environment and life.

Your front door is the entry to your home, right? Well, it is also that main path that opportunity uses to enter your home (life). If the light on your porch is broken or burned out, is opportunity going to be able to see where you are? If your doorbell isn’t working, are you going to hear opportunity when it presses the button?

I hope you find the above information useful! Remember to write down the changes (and in this case, repairs) that you make to your space to track and see what new opportunities enter your life.


Thank you for reading! I hope you find this information useful. If you would like more information about a Feng Shui consultation, please feel free to contact me. I offer free 30-minute Discovery Chats to answer questions about a Feng Shui consultation and how the process works.

Continue Reading Make Some Repairs

We recently had a few days of crisp, yet sunny, weather. It was absolutely lovely and wonderfully invigorating.

I stepped outside to sit down and take in the sunshine, but instead of sitting down, I decided it was time for a little cleaning. Because it is in a somewhat uncovered outdoor space, I noticed the furniture needed to be cleaned. This then made me realize the windows and doors really needed cleaning, too. Pretty soon, everything was wiped down and sparkling (well, as much as furniture can sparkle).

Flowers and sky

As I was washing away the grime on the doors and furniture, I felt lighter and refreshed. The area felt so much better, and it was great being able to relax afterwards and enjoy it.

Why am I telling you about my outdoor cleaning experience? Whether it is your front door, living room, or bedroom, you can activate and energize a space by moving things and cleaning.

I’m focusing on cleaning because it is springtime and generally this is the time people decide to freshen up their homes and clean and declutter. If you have any spots in your home where clutter has accumulated or where a little cleanup is needed, this could be affecting you.

There is no judgment here. I’m saying to take a look at your home, apartment, condo, office space, etc., and see if there are some areas that need some work. Open up space and invite opportunity into your life by clearing any cluttered areas and energize your space with some spring cleaning.

Thank you for reading! I hope you find this information useful. If you would like more information about a Feng Shui consultation, please feel free to contact me. I offer free 30-minute Discovery Chats to answer questions about a Feng Shui consultation and how the process works.


Continue Reading Spring Cleaning

Ah, romance. The passion, the tenderness…sigh. Love can be a wonderful feeling and experience.

For this blog post, we’re going to focus on romantic love. Before we begin, though, there is one item to note. These blog posts provide general Feng Shui tips to get you started on a path to the positive changes you are seeking to bring into your life. You should always take the time to think about the changes you would like to bring into your life as sometimes changes are needed on different levels (internal as well as external).

Paper hearts

Find Your Focus

Your first action item is to determine what you are seeking in a romantic relationship. It is important that you make this your first step. Reflect on the type of relationship and the quality and character of the person you are seeking to invite into your life. Look inward, be honest, and be as descriptive as possible. Keep the saying of “what you ask for, you will receive” in mind and choose your words wisely. Also, as with any intention you set, state it in the present tense. Can you see the differences between the following examples?

“I want a great relationship.” (Not very descriptive and uses the word “want.”)

“I am in the perfect, wonderful, healthy, loving, intimate, dedicated relationship.” (Descriptive and set in present.)

After you have set aside time and have thought about the relationship you would like to invite into your life, then start making enhancements to your physical environment. Remember to make the changes slowly and keep track of what you change and when you make the enhancements.

Adding the Color Pink

Try adding the color pink in some way to the Relationships area of the bagua (the Relationships area is the back, right area of your home when you enter your front door). If you aren’t a fan of the color pink, or if maybe pink wouldn’t work well with your existing décor, not to worry. The Feng Shui enhancement you apply does not always have to be seen to be working. You can add something pink inside a drawer or behind or underneath a piece of furniture. As long as you know it is there and you set your intention for the item, it will be working for you.

The Bedroom

Take a long and honest look at your bedroom. Is it warm and inviting? Is there room for two? Does it reflect that you care about your surroundings? Even if your bedroom is not located in the Relationships area of the bagua, don’t neglect it. The bed, wherever it is located, is a symbol of relationships. What is going on in your environment is going on in your life. When you care for something, you receive care. Give your bedroom (and home) some love, and it will return the kindness.

Space for Two

While you are taking a look around your bedroom, take a look around the rest of your home as well. Is there room for someone to enter your life? Space equals opportunity for so many things, and it isn’t any different for a relationship. If a special someone entered your life, would this person have a pillow to use, a nightstand on which to place their water glass, or a place to leave a toothbrush?

Thank you for reading! I hope you find this information useful and the tips easy to apply. If you would like more information about a Feng Shui consultation, please feel free to contact me. I offer free 30-minute Discovery Chats to answer questions about a Feng Shui consultation and how the process works.


Continue Reading Love and Relationships

Have you ever had a frustrating day, and you decided to step away for a break to go for a quick walk? Why did you do that?

More than likely the reason you decided to take a walk was to clear your mind and stop feeling frustrated. You probably felt a lot better when you returned, too. The action of taking a walk to clear your mind can be connected to a mindset shift.

You may be asking yourself why I am talking about mindset. Well, while moving and placing items in your physical space is one aspect of Feng Shui, mindset also plays a key role.

Feng Shui is the philosophy and practice of arranging your home or work environment to bring positive change, balance, harmony and better flow into your life. I’ve mentioned using intention when making Feng Shui enhancements, and intention focuses on how you are using an item — what “job” you are giving the item. With mindset, it is changing how you feel about or view something. 

Sun and clouds over ocean
Changing your mindset or making that internal shift to know that it is time to make a change or to invite that positive flow into your life is quite powerful.

Your mindset, as well as your intention, also gives a little boost to the changes you are seeking. For example, what changes do you seek to bring into your life? A new job? Better income? Feeling peaceful and secure? When you think about the change you would like to see, do you think, “Yes, Absolutely! I’m ready!” or do you think, “Yeah, right. Like that will really happen”? Can you see the difference between these two mindsets? Which do you think will lead to the positive change you are seeking?

Making changes to your physical space and making changes to your mindset work together to help you create an environment that will help invite positive change, balance, and harmony. Also, as you make these changes, both internal (mindset) and external (physical space), remember to keep track of what you see happening in your life.

Thank you for reading! I hope you find this information useful and the tips easy to apply. If you would like more information about a Feng Shui consultation, please feel free to contact me. I offer free 30-minute Discovery Chats to answer questions about a Feng Shui consultation and how the process works.


Continue Reading A Positive Mindset

One theme you probably have seen throughout my blog posts is the importance of balance. You may be wondering, “Why is balance so important?”  Well, if there is an imbalance somewhere in your environment, it can be showing up in your life. What do I mean by this?

Imbalance as it Relates to the Bagua

The Feng Shui practice I use focuses on the bagua layout and how it aligns with the front door of your home or business. Picture your home as a square and then divide that square into nine equal sections. 

From the image of the bagua, you can see how each area is connected to another based on its proximity. The eight outside areas are then anchored together by the area in the center. From this, you can see how all these areas of the bagua weave together and are connected to each other.

If there is an imbalance in one of the areas of the bagua, it can be affecting that specific area, and it can also be affecting the areas near it or opposite of it. For example, let’s take a look the Fame & Reputation and Career areas.

Bagua Map

Say that you absolutely love your job, but you just don’t seem to be getting the recognition or credit you deserve for the work that you are doing. Do you see how in the bagua layout the Career and Fame & Reputation areas are opposite of each other? If there is something in one of those areas that is out of balance, it can not only be affecting that particular area (for example Fame) but also the area across from it (Career).

Now let’s take a look at the Prosperity and Helpful People & Travel areas. If you don’t have Helpful People in your life, you may not be prospering as much as you would like (you may be having to work a lot harder to achieve what you have or maybe you don’t have the network or support system you need).

What does this all boil down to? Balance, balance, balance. How do you achieve balance? Well, a good way to get started is to take a look at your environment and clear any clutter. Is your garage packed with boxes? Is your closet overflowing? Clear these areas to create balance in your environment and to make space for opportunities to enter your life.

Thank you for reading! I hope you find this information useful and the tips easy to apply. If you would like more information about a Feng Shui consultation, please feel free to contact me. I offer free 30-minute Discovery Chats to answer questions about a Feng Shui consultation and how the process works.


Continue Reading Balance, Imbalance, and Opposites

Have you ever had the thought, “I never seem to have any help,” or “Why do I always have to do everything myself”? If you are looking for things to run more smoothly for you and to have help when you need it, maybe it’s time to take a look at the Helpful People and Travel area of your home.

Looking at the bagua, the Helpful People and Travel area is the front, right area of your home. (In this post, I am talking about Helpful People, but this area is technically Helpful People and Travel.) Take a look and see what you have in this area. Is it neat and organized or is it packed with belongings? Is everything in working order?

A way that you can enhance the Helpful People and Travel area is to use or add the element of metal. You could use actual metal, such as metal picture frames, a decorative bowl, etc., or you could incorporate colors such as gray, white, or silver.

gray and white scarf

The Helpful People and Travel area is also about fairness – being treated fairly and honestly. And when you think about it, is someone who doesn’t treat you this way really a helpful person?

Make certain to write down the modifications you make, along with the date you make them. This will help you see when and what changes come into your life.

I hope you find the information in this blog useful. If you have any questions about the information above, or other questions about Feng Shui, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for reading!


Continue Reading Helpful People

Do you have a room in your home that just feels a little…blah? Maybe it is the dining room that isn’t used often or home office that doesn’t feel very inspiring.

How a space feels and flows — the energy of a space — has a connection to balance and harmony in your environment, as well as to inviting positive change to your life.

Did you know that there are objects you can use to energize and bring life to a space? These remedies can be used in rooms that may feel a little stagnant. Some examples are:

  • A lush, healthy plant
  • An object with movement (ex. a small fan)
  • A suncatcher or faceted crystal

Remember to set your intention for why you are using these items as well. In the room examples I mentioned earlier, energizing these spaces may lead to more dinners in the dining room or the inspiration to start flowing in the office!

While there are objects that can add energy and life to a space, there are also items that can bring a different type of energy to a space.

To give you an example, let’s talk a moment about potpourri. While it may smell nice, what is it really? Dried flower petals. What is a bowl of dried flower petals? Dried energy.

You want your home to be energized and have balance and harmony. Items that don’t represent the type of energy you want in your space, or in your life, shouldn’t be there. Breathe life into your space, and invite positive change, by using items that set the tone and add uplifting energy to your environment.

While the above information is general information that can be applied, in some instances, more may be needed to help achieve balance, harmony, and the positive changes you are seeking. If that is the case, you may want to consider a Feng Shui consultation.

I hope you find the information in this blog useful. If you have any questions about the information above, or other questions about Feng Shui, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for reading!


Continue Reading Energy: Breathing Life Into a Space